4 Ways to Create Meaningful Moments this Holiday Season
A Special Guest Post from my friend and author Katie Trent. With the approaching holidays comes opportunities for special family time. Whether you’re a mom or grandma, I know you want to cultivate meaningful moments with your loved ones. So today, I want to share a few quick activities that can feed your family’s faith while creating memories that last.
Thanksgiving Activities:
- Make a holiday treat to share with neighbors, friends, church members, or other people in your life. Some of my fondest childhood memories are baking with my mom and grandma. Baking brings people together in a special way. It’s also a great way to bless others. Here’s a delicious pumpkin cake recipe that is sure to be a holiday favorite! You can make it as a sheet cake, cupcakes, mini loaves, or even mini bundt cakes to share.
- Play games. Nothing beats laughing and competing as a family! One of my favorite holiday games is the Saranwrap ball game. Have you heard of it? It’s fun for all ages! I put a special twist on it to help you grow grateful hearts and celebrate all Jesus has done for you and your family. You can learn more about the game, cultivating gratitude, and a recipe for baking delicious goodies by downloading the FREE bonus devotion from my new book, Dishing Up Devotions. Grab it HERE.
- Craft together. A simple craft idea is to create fabric pumpkins using a roll of toilet paper. It’s easy for any age and requires no fancy crafting skills! Here are step-by-step instructions.
- Create cards to express gratitude for people in your life. Add a bookmark for a fun, inexpensive gift that provides a constant reminder your loved one is cherished.
No matter your plans this holiday season, I encourage you to slow down. Enjoy the unhurried moments. Focus on activities that strengthen your relationship with Jesus and one another. Pray together. Play together! If you do, you’re sure to have a treasure trove of meaningful moments to reflect back on for years to come.
My Thanksgiving Gift to You
Any friend of Erica’s is a friend of mine! I want to bless you with my Give Thanks Bundle FREE to help you make the most of the holidays this year. It includes thanksgiving bookmarks, inspirational phone wallpapers, holiday postcards, and a 21-day gratitude prayer journal for mom/grandma plus a separate journal for kids. It’s everything you need to cultivate grateful hearts this holiday season! Snag it HERE.
For more resources to build your family’s faith, order a copy of Katie J. Trent’s new interactive devotional: Dishing Up Devotions. It’s filled with encouragement for moms and grandmas, family faith-building activities, conversation starters, and delicious baking recipes to reinforce the weekly character/faith-building theme.
Connect with Katie and join her Grow Your Faith Family at KatieJtrent.com or on socials: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.
What Do You Think? How About a Free Copy of Katie’s Book?
I’d love to know if you enjoyed this guest post from my friend Katie! Would you like me to feature my fabulous author friends more regularly? Please let me know! To enter to win a free copy of Katie’s book, tell me in the comments below, which of her four ideas you liked the best! Winner will be announced on Monday, November 1st in my next newsletter!