An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God’s Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt
Have you ever felt disappointed by God? When my children were little, life suddenly started to unravel. Somewhere along the way I adopted the belief that as long as I tried to be a good Christian wife, mom, friend, and daughter, God would bless me. But at the moment, any blessing seemed hidden behind chaos, uncertainty and disappointment. I began to wonder where God was in the midst of it.
While I knew God was real but I wondered why He felt so far away and He was allowing all of these hard things to happen. He must be punishing me somehow or disappointed with me. Or shaking His heavenly head saying, “Bless her heart, no matter how hard she tries, she just can’t ever seem to get it together!”.
Boy was I wrong. Indeed, God never felt that way toward me. And He doesn’t feel that way toward you. In fact, in the book of Ezekiel, when God’s people faced difficult circumstances, they felt exactly the way I did. And God invited them to draw closer to Himself so He could help them understand their circumstances from His perspective.
What they thought was God’s punishment actually proved to be His protection.
And an invitation to witness His wonders in ways they never had before.
Grab Your Free First Chapter Download
If you feel disappointed by God, I encourage you to grab a copy of An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God’s Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt.
Don’t allow the disappointment in your life to lead to doubt your belief that God loves you. There is something greater on the horizon.
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