RE: 7 Survival Tips When the Holidays Are Hard + A GIVEAWAY 🥳

7 Survival Tips When the Holidays Are Hard Grief and good cheer do not mix well. Family gatherings abound during the Christmas season and longing for a loved one can become incapacitating. This guest post from Sharon Engram and Lori Rohlinger includes 7 survival tips to hold onto hope when the holidays are hard. A […]
The Holy Spirit

Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Growing up in my particular denomination we didn’t talk about the Holy Spirit much. When we did we called him a ghost! I never learned my spiritual gifts until much later in life, nor how the Holy Spirit prayed in and through us as believers. I knew He […]
5 Powerful Prayers For Your Children 🙏 + Giveaway 📚🥳

Powerful Prayers Can Be Short Prayers Here are some examples of short, powerful prayers I pray over my children. 1. Lord Jesus, help me acknowledge that my children are ultimately yours. You have entrusted them to my care for a season of their lives. You knit them together and gave them their personalities, passions and […]
The Most Unchristian Message the Church Continues to Preach (and how it’s wrecking our faith)

How Does Jesus Change Your Life? The Church keeps preaching an unchristian message. And it’s wrecking our faith. What I’m about to say will sting. It did when God first revealed it to me. But if we’re going to finally get to the bottom of why we sit in church week after week and nothing […]
RE: What Does the Bible Say About Contentment?

Contentment in the Bible When we talk about contentment in the Bible we usually cite the verse that Paul quotes after he talks about being content. But the Scripture about contentment we need to focus on is actually the 2 verses prior… Paul calls discovering contentment a secret…which means it is hidden, not yet discovered, […]
4 Ways to Create Meaningful Moments this Holiday Season

4 Ways to Create Meaningful Moments this Holiday Season A Special Guest Post from my friend and author Katie Trent. With the approaching holidays comes opportunities for special family time. Whether you’re a mom or grandma, I know you want to cultivate meaningful moments with your loved ones. So today, I want to share a […]
Re: When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough As A Mom

When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough As A Mom When I first brought Eliana home from the hospital, my fear of inadequacy nearly paralyzed me. God and a brave birth mother had courageously entrusted me with this precious life. What in the world were either of them thinking? I would never be enough. As […]
3 Reasons Why Women’s Ministry is Vital

Women’s Ministry is vital to the growth of the kingdom and the health of the church. Does your church encourage you to exercise your gifts? A lack of commitment to build and support women’s ministry results in stagnant and weakened churches. Here are three reasons why: 1. The Uniqueness of Women I felt a rush […]
10 Super Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids the Real Meaning of Christmas

Here are our family’s favorite Christmas activity ideas! They all focus on teaching children the real meaning of Christmas! There are so many fun things to see, do and prepare during the Christmas season, but sometimes I find the real meaning gets lost in all of the busy-ness. Let’s bring CHRIST back into Christmas, shall […]
Handling Halloween As A Christian

Handling Halloween as a Christian family is starting to get tricky at our house. With a middle school girl and boy at home, the Disney princess and super hero costumes have lost their allure. What’s left to choose from is either scary or frankly, a bit more seductive than I prefer. Ask Yourself Questions Yesterday, […]
Why The Church Is Sinking, The Unexplainable Church
Luke’s account of Paul’s shipwreck on Malta provides a beautiful metaphor of the function of the church. Paul implored the sailors, “Unless every man stays with the ship, you will not be saved.” The Unexplainable Church sinks without you. Staying with the ship guarantees everyone’s safety. Fear of the Storm The storm raged on. No land […]
5 Tests You Must Take To Step Into Your Calling
What’s the difference between a duty and a calling? Duty arises out of a need, but a calling keeps coming back again and again in the depth of your soul. It may or may not be something you ever thought you would do. And doubt in your ability to fulfill it often accompanies the Holy […]