The results are in

A label that tries to cling to you is:


Jesus longs for you to move from feeling like you are not enough to resting in His sufficiency.

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me."

- 2 Corinthians 12:9

So what does it really mean?

You feel most at ease when you can operate independently and you don’t need anyone else’s help. You like to appear capable and in control. Asking for help makes you uncomfortable and people questioning your capabilities sparks defensiveness, because inwardly you question yourself more often than others realize. Outwardly you have it all together but inwardly you wrestle with whether or not you are really enough.

Hello there!


Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Erica Wiggenhorn.

Erica Wiggenhorn, Women's Speaker and Author

Our culture applauds success and self-sufficiency. It’s up to us to make things happen. We talk about self-made men and pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. But we all face situations in life that are bigger than ourselves and we need help navigating them. Insecurity surfaces hissing our inadequacies in our ear. But God uses these difficulties to grow our dependence upon Him and to learn how to live interdependently with others- the way He designed life to be.

 I’ve made it my life’s work to simplify the Bible: I’m here to show you how to apply Scripture to YOUR life! Let’s move from nice thoughts and simple platitudes to getting real and practical. Jesus died to give us new LIFE!

Yep, you heard right — the Bible can give you insight into your unique struggles and circumstances. I have given hundreds of people the guidance they need to live more fully in the Word of God. Think you could use a little extra support?

🙌 Together, we’ve got this 🙌

Three tips to move from feeling like you aren’t enough to resting in Christ’s sufficiency:

Meditate on Scripture & Pray Scripture Filled Prayers

(Heads up! I’ve crafted a personal prayer specifically for you and it’s headed to your inbox soon!)

Keeping Scripture before you helps balance out your emotions. Truth is your anchor when a storm of emotions starts to swirl around you. Download these three free lockscreens to keep your desire for wisdom always before you:

2 Corinthians 12:9
Proverbs 3:5-6
Ephesians 2:10

Share them on IG and tag me @ericawiggenhorn. I can’t tell you how much it will bless me to know these encouraged you!

Utilize a prayer journal.

Prayer can reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity. Setting aside the same time every day, before you study, can calm your nervous system, rewire neural pathways and set you up to get the most out of the wisdom found in Scripture. Writing out your feelings in response to your circumstances and what you found in Scripture will help sort out your emotions and apply truth to them.

Frequently your fear of not being able to handle everything you are facing causes your thoughts to spin. Pausing daily to reflect on God’s great love for you and His promise to provide the power and wisdom you need invites your mind to slow down. Start your day with these journal prompts to reorder your thoughts toward the peace Jesus longs to give you.

LORD, today I feel overwhelmed with: 

I confess that this worry improperly places me as the one who must resolve this situation. I am relying on myself rather than leaning on You. Specifically, I confess that:

Jesus, today I choose to focus my mind on these promises in your Word and what I know to be true of You:

Engage in these 3 Conversations with A Trusted Friend / Mentor / Pastor

Conversation One

Examine where your insecurity originates. Ask them to pray with you to invite the Holy Spirit to reveal the glue that caused this label to fasten itself over your heart and mind. Most likely insecurity began to take root in your life through one of four ways: 

  • Something that happened to you that created feelings of responsibility in the moment (as if the event were somehow your fault).
  • You come from a home where asking for help or admitting a weakness/need is shameful
  • You had people place demeaning labels upon you and you fear that might be true (i.e. you are not very bright, make foolish decisions, incapable, a failure etc.)
  • You previously experienced a perceived failure in the past and you fear that you might mess up again

Conversation Two

Confess the insecurity as it actually is: a sin against God. Insecurity elevates a thought or emotion over and above God’s creation of you. It insists God somehow made a mistake in His formation of you or made you defective. It is actually a form of pride because we are telling God we know more than He does in regard to our value.  We must confess it and ask for His power to become released from it. 

Conversation Three

Actively move away from insecurity by intentionally pursuing spiritual disciplines to renew your mind from lies to truth.

(More on that below!)

God knows you - The real you. He is the only one who can fully forge your identity, because he is the only on who knows you deeply enough to be able to do so...even more deeply than you know yourself.

"You are not able to do it alone. Whatever it is in your life. A difficult marriage, a special needs child, a sick family member, financial crisis or medical diagnosis. Carrying the burden alone will overtake you. God lays out His plan for His people to go in peace in the life of Moses."

From Letting God Be Enough by Erica Wiggenhorn

A Very Special Resource Just for You

Letting God Be Enough Book Cover

Special Offer


Do you feel like you’re missing out on a secret that other women know? How is she such a good mother? What makes her get all the attention? Why does her faith seem so strong?

In a world where “never enough” is the norm, how do you avoid comparing yourself to others who seem to have it all? Do you attempt to keep up or simply give up?

In Letting God Be Enough, seasoned bible study teacher, Erica Wiggenhorn, reveals we aren’t the first people to deal with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or imposter syndrome. The life of Moses was plagued by self-doubt, fear, and comparison to others. Yet, God repeatedly worked miracles through Moses’ weakness. Likewise, Erica explains how you can learn to:

  • Jump off the merry-go-round of other people’s opinions
  • Exchange past regrets with God’s exciting plan for your future
  • Experience freedom from nagging fears of self-doubt and inadequacy
  • Walk in confidence that God can handle everything that happens today

Letting God Be Enough is the modern book for tackling an age-old problem, resting in God when life doesn’t make sense. You no longer have to strive, compare, or appease others to secure your worth. Instead, you can let a loving God be enough.

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox, weekly, with insights and support to help you continue to apply the beautiful, ancient and sacred Word to speak into your modern day life! Your personal prayer should arrive soon!


Every Life Ministries
PO Box 2226
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

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An Unexplainable Life

Deeper Discoveries Ebook

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The Unexplainable Church

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The Unexplainable Church

Deeper Discoveries Ebook

An optional companion guide that puts you in the middle of the early church and becoming an ‘eyewitness’ to everything happening in Acts.

Unexplainable Jesus

Come to the Table

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