Kids trick-or-treating on Halloween, prayers for protection.

Erica Wiggenhorn

Prayers for Protection For Our Children & Communities During Halloween

Is Halloween Evil?

Is it just me or does it seem like Halloween keeps getting darker? The decor in people’s front yards, the costumes in the stores, the shows on television?

I’ve never been a fan of Halloween. But seeing little boys and girls dressed liked princesses and super heroes makes me smile. As I drive through my neighborhood however, seeing gory statues and depictions of death, I feel compelled to pray for those princesses and superheroes. For, they will soon walk these same streets while not understanding the evil one.

Prayers of Protection During Halloween

Our Great God of Heaven, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Sovereign over all, we acknowledge that there is no power greater than Yours. You hold the universe together and evil cannot ever come against You. Nothing is impossible for You and Your will cannot ever be thwarted. Though evil is allowed to wield influence for a time, You are the conqueror and you have vanquished the evil one. In due time You will overthrow him completely with the breath of Your mouth and cast him into the lake of fire for eternity. We do not need to fear, for You hold all power and authority over evil forces.

Jesus, we confess that we do not take Your commands to pray for the saints and the world as seriously as we ought. We become busy and distracted and forget that You commanded us to pray at all times for the saints of God. To pray for workers to go out and share the Good News that evil, sin and death have been defeated. Jesus, we take time now to invite You to remind us of the things we ought to pray. We ask for the fervency and diligence to remain mindful of Your powerful presence with us always.

Prayers for Our Communities On Halloween

LORD, we ask that You place Your powerful hand of protection over our children on this night that celebrates evil. Please open doors of opportunity to speak life to those around us. Those who do not even recognize the clutches of evil lurking around them. Make us bold to shine our light and speak truth and grace to our neighbors in our community. Help us to remember that at one time we were imprisoned in the kingdom of darkness, but You rescued us from his evil dominion and brought us into Your glorious kingdom of light. May we pray tonight that the terrors of darkness might spur those in our community to seek the Light of Life. May we be ready to show them the love of Jesus.

Holy Spirit, summon Your angel armies and surround our communities with safety. Tangle the plans of the evil one and take down all of his schemes to bring destruction. Cast out all fear and summon Your people to love.

Thank you Jesus that You left us with the Helper, the Holy Spirit alive in us, empowering us to live a life of love and grace to those in our communities. We remain grateful that we can come to You with all of our cares and cast them at Your feet, our victorious king. Thank you that what our enemy intends for evil, You turn for good, for the saving of many lives. May this night of darkness cause the brightness of You to illuminate our dark world and may revival come to our cities.

In Jesus’ Name, the Name above all Names, amen!

Praying for You!

Would you like to let others know you are praying for them this Halloween? Or invite them to pray over your city with you? Pass this post along inviting them to pray and let them know you prayed already!

Do you have further questions about celebrating Halloween as a Christian? Here is a link to a previous article I wrote: Handling Halloween As A Christian

Erica Wiggenhorn

A national speaker with Aspire Women’s Events, Erica also speaks at women’s retreats, large conferences or her own kitchen table. Erica longs to bring Scriptural Truth and see lives transformed. Erica also serves on the Proverbs 31 Ministries writing team. An award-winning author with Moody Publishers, she wants people to discover delight in God’s Word as they become equipped with tools to read it with confidence.  For free resources to help you study the Bible visit You can also find her almost every day on Instagram where she shares Phoenix life with her best friend Jonathan, and their four children– two of which are human and the others furry and adorable. 


3 Age Appropriate Conversations to Have With Your Kids Around Halloween

Do you struggle with what to say to your kids about your faith and how that intersects with Halloween?

Whether you choose to engage with community events, stick with church activities, or decide to stay home, these dialogues offer a way to explain your beliefs and create meaningful connections with your kids.

Download this FREE resource and begin meaningful conversations with your kids TODAY!

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